Feel Good Salmon

A healthy, nutritious dinner that will get tails wagging.
Feel Good Salmon is complete wet dog food meal made with freshly prepared salmon & whitefish, rice and carrots.
Our 390g Salmon Wet Dog Food is made with fresh salmon & white fish, rice and carrots, ideal for fussy eaters and dogs with sensitive tummies
Our recipes are simple, wholesome, and made with 100% natural ingredients
For our full range Wet food Products click here
Did you know - In 2018, we became the first British dog food manufacturer to produce wet food in recyclable Tetra Pak cartons as an eco-friendly alternative to single-use packaging.
This means consequently every time you serve up one of our wet food cartons, plastic tray or pouch. you’re reducing your carbon footprint by up to 81% compared to using a can,
Additionally over 8.8 billion pet food pouches end up in UK landfill every year. Our eco-friendly wet food cartons are biodegradable and compostable.
If you would like to learn more about our products or how we are helping to save the planet. Please click here to contact us